About Mieke

I am the owner of Safe Haven Coaching. A bilingual website for online coaching and counselling.

How come bilingual?
After secondary school (High School in the United States) I wanted to do something with my love for the English language, which resulted in three years spent at a teacher training college.
During on-the-job training I realized it was not for me. But I kept a keen interest in English and especially Britain and the United States. And I like to visit both countries as much as I can.

Why online counselling?

After several counselling courses and f2f work I found out my true love lay in Online Counselling and working with people from various background, and writing in English or Dutch.
I have followed several course at Online Training for Counsellors Ltd to qualify for working online.

I am highly sensitive myself and over the years have found my way with it, and now I feel very comfortable being HSP.
Also I am personally familiar with having to live with chronic pain.
I have managed to integrate it in my life and enjoy living despite pain.
It is something I like to share with others.

Why you should read my blog 

I will keep you up to date with interesting articles about online counselling, what it can bring you if you try it.
Also I will often write tips that are useful for Highly sensitive people and those living with chronic pain.

Keep in mind you can always contact me with questions as well.

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