This is my last entry for 2011. Next week I have given myself the week off. Much needed "me" time.
I just want to wish you all a merry christmas to spend the way you want. And for next year, health and happiness.
January is a time for new starts and I hope it will be a good year for you and it will bring you all you hope for.
Thank you for following my blog this year and I hope you will continue to do so in 2012.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Merry christmas to all
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happy new year
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
So what are you going to watch over Christmas?
For me Christmas itself is about watching DVD's. This stems from the many years that I worked in a bookstore and I was too tired when christmar rolled around to do anything else. Even since I stopped working there I kept the tradition. Of course I will spend some time with my parents or occasionally friends but mostly it is me time. It took me some time to admit openly that this makes me happy as christmas is supposed to be a time to spend with others and eat a lot. I thought people would pitty me when I told them I preferred to spend it on my own in front of the telly. Now that I am secure in who I am, I have no more problems saying this out loud. I will settle in my favorite chair with a fire blazing and a hot water bottle near. Then let the feast begin.
What will I watch this year?
I have many options. Usually I allow myself a few DVD's from my wishlist for christmas and I combine that with some christmas classics.
This year there were two [for me] new christmas movies on my wishlist. Thomas Kinkade's christmas cottage and christmas lodge. The first one is in, the other will be shipped from the States so fingers crossed it comes in on time. I selected it because Erin Karpluk from Being Erica is the female lead and I like her a lot. BTW Being Erica is a Canadian show well worth watching.
Next will be some classics I have owned for a few years now. Usually I am not into silly comedies but at christmas time I love them. I will select from between National Lampoon's christmas holiday and the Santa Clause movies. Next to those I might throw in Love absolutely and It's a wonderful life.
That brings me to the non-christmas movies and series:
I am a huge fan of British mysteries so I will be rewatching series that I saw many years ago and am now starting to buy on DVD. The first seasons of The Chief and Judge John Deed just came in and I am saving those for christmas. I might also throw in some Midsomer murders.
tv specials
Last will be the tv specials of favorite shows. I have not seen the list yet but there is a Dr. Who special every year and I have heard there will be a Downton Abbey special this year. Both shows I love.
That concludes my list. Please share what you are going to watch this year!
What will I watch this year?

Next will be some classics I have owned for a few years now. Usually I am not into silly comedies but at christmas time I love them. I will select from between National Lampoon's christmas holiday and the Santa Clause movies. Next to those I might throw in Love absolutely and It's a wonderful life.
That brings me to the non-christmas movies and series:

tv specials
Last will be the tv specials of favorite shows. I have not seen the list yet but there is a Dr. Who special every year and I have heard there will be a Downton Abbey special this year. Both shows I love.
That concludes my list. Please share what you are going to watch this year!
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Thursday, 8 December 2011
Holiday season survival tips
It's that time of the year again. Holiday season! The time of year people expect you to be happy and in good cheer. How many people really talk about the holiday stress of having to get everything done: shopping, decorating, Christmas cards.
Now as this is stressful for the general population, you can imagine how much harder it is going to be for Highly sensitive people or those coping with pain. More often than usual you don't want to show your family and friends how stressed you are and of course everything you do has to be perfect. :)
Yet I tell you it is time to change. It is hard to hear, but don't try to be perfect, good is good enough.
Here are some plans to get through the holiday season with less stress and more enjoyment
Let me know if you have any holiday tips and success stories of managing your stress in this last month of the year.
Now as this is stressful for the general population, you can imagine how much harder it is going to be for Highly sensitive people or those coping with pain. More often than usual you don't want to show your family and friends how stressed you are and of course everything you do has to be perfect. :)
Yet I tell you it is time to change. It is hard to hear, but don't try to be perfect, good is good enough.
Here are some plans to get through the holiday season with less stress and more enjoyment
- Plan! Plan! Plan! Start your preparations early! Best is to make a plan of all you have to do and leave yourself plenty of free time for days that you are really not up to doing anything.
- Prioritise, go through your Christmas card list and ask yourself do you really need to send them all? Did everyone return your cards last year? Could you just send some people an online card? The same with sending parcels. Does it give you stress or pleasure?
- Delegate! Delegate! Delegate. Listen carefully, you do not have to do everything on your own. Family and friends are capable of helping and often they are glad to help you. They would rather see you happy and doing less than miserable when doing everything on your own. A hard thing to get for us perfectionists.
- Say no. If you are not up for family visits Christmas eve and/or both days of Christmas, don't do it. Think of yourself first.
Let me know if you have any holiday tips and success stories of managing your stress in this last month of the year.
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Thursday, 1 December 2011
Keep educating yourself on pain remedies

I sat myself down and started thinking about solutions. Also talked to some good friends to cheer myself up.

So now I am going to get new cushions as soon as possible. What I want to share here is: know your body! If a new kind of pain joins, do not accept it without research. Be a detective and try to figure out a solution. Either alone, with friends or with therapists and doctors. [never do something invasive without talking to a doctor first!] Even with older pain, technology never stops. Keep searching and willing to try new remedies. And never give up hope! Life is too good.
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neck pain,
pain solution,
shoulder pain,
side pillow,
Friday, 25 November 2011
Online Training for Counsellors birthday party
I have talked about my tutoring job before. It is something that I enjoy very much. To contribute to teaching other counsellors how to work ethically and effectively online.
Two weeks ago we had a face to face meeting with all the present tutors to celebrate the fact that OLT has been around for 10 years. That alone is amazing, 10 years ago not that many counsellors were working online, many people still had very bad internet connections [dial up for instance] and we worried a lot less about encryption. It took some visionary minds to bring counselling online and from the start care about doing it well. To take into account that it was not the same as having a client in the same room with you and that you had to learn to do this well.
So over the years the courses have evolved. The tutor team are always on the lookout for new inventions online and incorporate that into the teaching. One of the things that have become clear over the years is that online counselling is very well suited for both counsellors and clients with disability. Because you can work at your own pace, those with disabilities can decide not to work when they do not feel well.
We are still growing. Next year will be a very exciting year when we plan to ad many more workshops to our curriculum. And a whole new course is going to start, online superivision. We have just heard that this new course has been accredited by CPCAB. So if you are a counsellor who wants to branch out into this exciting field, please contact me for more details.
Two weeks ago we had a face to face meeting with all the present tutors to celebrate the fact that OLT has been around for 10 years. That alone is amazing, 10 years ago not that many counsellors were working online, many people still had very bad internet connections [dial up for instance] and we worried a lot less about encryption. It took some visionary minds to bring counselling online and from the start care about doing it well. To take into account that it was not the same as having a client in the same room with you and that you had to learn to do this well.
So over the years the courses have evolved. The tutor team are always on the lookout for new inventions online and incorporate that into the teaching. One of the things that have become clear over the years is that online counselling is very well suited for both counsellors and clients with disability. Because you can work at your own pace, those with disabilities can decide not to work when they do not feel well.
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Friday, 18 November 2011
The new website
I am still working on the new webpage and right now that takes up a lot of my time. Sorry but I am not ready to share it with you just yet, but on the left you will get a sneak peak on how it will turn out. Over the next couple of days [and weeks] I will be adding content to it. It is my intent to have a lot of resources there for highly sensitive people and those learning to adjust with chronic pain. [If there is something you would like me to include please send me a message or a comment here.
good ideas are always welcome.] So my blog posts the coming weeks might be a little short. I promise that I will make up for that when the new site is up and running.
good ideas are always welcome.] So my blog posts the coming weeks might be a little short. I promise that I will make up for that when the new site is up and running.
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chronic pain,
highly sensitive,
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Watch this space!
Again a short post as it is a pretty busy week for me. Lots of travel as well first to Belgium and then on to England. I am getting to know the ferry boats pretty well! I am looking forward to meeting all my fellow tutors in the flesh very much. And I think it is great that we weill be spending a part of the day brainstorming about how we can make our courses even better! Watch this space for what we come up with.
Another big change will be my website and this blog! Both will be migrating to wordpress very soon and will be integrated. I will share the new web adress soon and then for a little while will continue to mention the new posts here. I really hope you will all be able to find the new space just as easily and will keep following me there!
Take care,
Another big change will be my website and this blog! Both will be migrating to wordpress very soon and will be integrated. I will share the new web adress soon and then for a little while will continue to mention the new posts here. I really hope you will all be able to find the new space just as easily and will keep following me there!
Take care,
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Thursday, 3 November 2011
Short post
This week I am opting for a very short post again. Why? I migh hear some people think. Fact is, I love writing. But it is one of these times in the year that my body is shouting at me to slow down. Many years even this shouting was not enough. But now I have gotten so much better at listening. And we get along much better. Blogging is fun but it is not one of the things that I 'really' need to do during the week. So I am now on a basic regimen of tasks. My body is happy and I get to catch up on DVD and books, win-win.
Part of next week I will be on a work trip. I will certainly talk about it when I get back! It is great to be a part of such a dedicated group of people as the tutors at Online training for counsellors. We will talk about making our courses even better and adding new courses and workshops for our students.
Part of next week I will be on a work trip. I will certainly talk about it when I get back! It is great to be a part of such a dedicated group of people as the tutors at Online training for counsellors. We will talk about making our courses even better and adding new courses and workshops for our students.
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listening to pain,
online training counsellors,
Thursday, 27 October 2011
value yourself, value your time!
Value yourself. It is so easy to say, but not so easy to live by especially for women. Many women are often happier when those around them are happy. This is especially true for most highly sensitive women who often have to learn to say no.
Being highly sensitive myself, it is something that I have had to learn myself. In the old days I never used to say no, but over the years I have become good at putting me first and trusting that good friends will understand your no, and they do! I have come to listen to my body better and to know when enough is enough.
And yet I had another eye-opener just a few days ago. As a small business owner I am carefull where I spend my money. This means that I try to do as much as possible myself and not hire people to do it for me. At the moment I am building a new version of my website. With new platforms like wordpress it is getting easier to do so and I like being in control and able to change my own content and add new pages.
Yet it was taking me a long time to get the basics down. I would be adding graphics and text without it looking very professional, and as a perfectionist that did not sit well with me either.
It took a friend to open my eyes about what I was doing. She and I had had a discussion on another topic about the value of my time. When I work with clients I of course charge an amount of money per hour. It had taken me many hours to get things done on wordpress and still it was not to my liking. Hours I could also have spend earning money instead of wasting time. So I was actually wasting valuable time. It was much wiser and [in the end counting that way] cheaper to get some help.
This example also shows that sometimes we need help to see things clearly. That can be a good friend or a coach or counsellor. We all need sparring partners for the occasional reality check to see if we are really doing what we are good at.
As always I would love to hear your stories!
Being highly sensitive myself, it is something that I have had to learn myself. In the old days I never used to say no, but over the years I have become good at putting me first and trusting that good friends will understand your no, and they do! I have come to listen to my body better and to know when enough is enough.
And yet I had another eye-opener just a few days ago. As a small business owner I am carefull where I spend my money. This means that I try to do as much as possible myself and not hire people to do it for me. At the moment I am building a new version of my website. With new platforms like wordpress it is getting easier to do so and I like being in control and able to change my own content and add new pages.
Yet it was taking me a long time to get the basics down. I would be adding graphics and text without it looking very professional, and as a perfectionist that did not sit well with me either.
It took a friend to open my eyes about what I was doing. She and I had had a discussion on another topic about the value of my time. When I work with clients I of course charge an amount of money per hour. It had taken me many hours to get things done on wordpress and still it was not to my liking. Hours I could also have spend earning money instead of wasting time. So I was actually wasting valuable time. It was much wiser and [in the end counting that way] cheaper to get some help.
This example also shows that sometimes we need help to see things clearly. That can be a good friend or a coach or counsellor. We all need sparring partners for the occasional reality check to see if we are really doing what we are good at.
As always I would love to hear your stories!
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highly sensitive,
reality check,
self value,
sparring partner,
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
login2life living in a virtual world
I first became aware of this documentary during the 3rd virtual conference on counseling organised by Counselor Education in Second Life. Immediatly I was enthusiastic and noted down the air date of the documentary. It aired on ZDF [german tv] on monday the 17th of october. The reason that I am blogging a day early this week is that you can still watch it online for free until sunday evening. This is the link. If this subject interests you at all, I would urge you to do so. It's nearly 90 minutes long and don't be put off by the fact that it is German. Most of the documentary is in English, so you will be able to follow most of what is going on.
Now what is it all about? Filmmaker Daniel Moshel followed some people from all over the world who spend parts of their lives in virtual worlds and made a documentary about them. Last year I watched a documentary that highlighted the negative aspects of such a lifestyle and it was refreshing to see that login2life stresses the postives.
The focus is on two virtual worlds. One a gaming environment, World of Warcraft [WoW] and Second Life [SL]. For those who don't know. SL allows you to make an avatar and then explore the many many worlds with that avatar. So it really comes close to a 'second life' especially with how fast technology is growing.
The documentary follows a few people active on WoW and doing more than just gaming. There is someone who makes movies involving Wow characters. Another swedish gamer talks about being in one of the best guilds in the game and what that means in his life. 2 stories moved me the most. A young chinese man who was up in the middle of the night collecting gold which he sold to other people and who actually made a living in the real world this way. He was just scraping by and his whole bio rythm was disturbed because he was online most nights. The other was a young man from the US who had been paralyzed in a car accident and could only work the computer with his mouth. It made me smile that he would tell those he defeated that they were defeated by a criple and the joy it gave him to be able to do this with his avatar. He was able to live out dreams that he would never be able again in the 'real' world.
The other part focussed on SL. Here the mother of the paralyzed young man would read parts of the story she had written about her life as a caregiver. There was a German musician giving great concerts to an audience all over the world. A man selling sex aides on SL, it was very funny to see how they had to make the movements so it could be translated digitally. :) The most moving part of the whole documentary for me was the story of Alice, gentle heron in SL. She is a woman from the US with MS. This makes life in the 'real' world harder and harder and movement gets harder with this disease. But she lives another life online, making friends and doing much more than that! She has actually set up a community in SL where people with disability can meet and learn how to enjoy themselves in SL. If you are interested to learn more follow this link.
This shows that even if you cannot move much or are bedridden, there is a world out there on the computer where you can make new friends and even live out some of your dreams if you are open to it!
So if you have time before monday, please go and have a look at this extraordinary documentary.

Now what is it all about? Filmmaker Daniel Moshel followed some people from all over the world who spend parts of their lives in virtual worlds and made a documentary about them. Last year I watched a documentary that highlighted the negative aspects of such a lifestyle and it was refreshing to see that login2life stresses the postives.
The focus is on two virtual worlds. One a gaming environment, World of Warcraft [WoW] and Second Life [SL]. For those who don't know. SL allows you to make an avatar and then explore the many many worlds with that avatar. So it really comes close to a 'second life' especially with how fast technology is growing.
The documentary follows a few people active on WoW and doing more than just gaming. There is someone who makes movies involving Wow characters. Another swedish gamer talks about being in one of the best guilds in the game and what that means in his life. 2 stories moved me the most. A young chinese man who was up in the middle of the night collecting gold which he sold to other people and who actually made a living in the real world this way. He was just scraping by and his whole bio rythm was disturbed because he was online most nights. The other was a young man from the US who had been paralyzed in a car accident and could only work the computer with his mouth. It made me smile that he would tell those he defeated that they were defeated by a criple and the joy it gave him to be able to do this with his avatar. He was able to live out dreams that he would never be able again in the 'real' world.

This shows that even if you cannot move much or are bedridden, there is a world out there on the computer where you can make new friends and even live out some of your dreams if you are open to it!
So if you have time before monday, please go and have a look at this extraordinary documentary.
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Thursday, 13 October 2011
budget tips
I read an article in the local newspaper [Gouda] this
morning that prompted this blog post.
I think money is a significant topic for people with
chronic pain. They are sometimes hampered by not being able to work full time
or not be able to work at all. So some of you are going to run into the problem
of having to cut the expenses.
Debt? Doesn’t it frighten us all, to not have enough money
to make it to the end of the month? More and more people get into trouble
because of the current economic situation. But is that all?
I think not. Whole generations grew up in a land of
plenty. For almost twenty years you could switch jobs when it suited you and
employers wanted to have you. During this time the world we lived in changed
drastically as well. Older generations were happy with so much less. They had a
tv, a landline phone and a car, that was pretty much it. Nowadays we want and
expect so much more from life. At least one computer in the house, a mobile
phone for every family member[smartphone of course] I-pods, e-readers the list
goes on.
At the same time many of us were not taught to really
handle money well. Another difference with olden days is that we all have bank
passes and credit cards. Isn’t it easy to spend that money and completely
forgot we did so, only to come in for a nasty shock at the end of the
month. How many people would know what
they spend each month if you ask them on the street?
There are a few key points to sticking to a budget:
- · Know how much you have coming in each month
- · Calculate how much you need to spend each month on essentials, so you know how much you have left over to indulge yourself with or maybe put it away for emergencies
- · Keep a record on everything you spend.
- · Try to use cash and not your cards when you spend money. For example give yourself a weekly budget, if the cash is gone, you know you need to stop.
- · Do not go over the limit on your bank cards or credit cards. Being overdrawn on those cards is one of the most expensive things there is.
- · Do not buy anything on a credit card if you know you will not be able to pay for it.
Another tip:
Every year at the end of the year I print out my bank statements
of the previous year and go through them item for item. You would be amazed how
many things creep up that you don’t really use or are not interested in any
I then spend some time cancelling my subscriptions to
all such items earning myself a little more pocket cash each year.
Emotional shopping:
This is where it gets really hard. Some people react
to hard times by rewarding themselves with goods or food. This helps for a
short while but in the end it only makes matters worse when they realise how
much they have spend. Money they did not have in the first place.
So helping people stick to a budget should involve
more than just learning how to handle the figures. It should also involve
looking at the reasons behind the spending. Helping them find healthier methods
of coping with hard times besides spending the money.
If you have any
other tips on how to save money, please share them by leaving comments. I love
to hear back from you.
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bank card,
chroinc pain,
credit card,
emotional eating,
emotional shopping,
Friday, 7 October 2011
how much to share with clients?
Irvin Yalom's books inspired me long before I became a counsellor. I think I picked up the first book I read by him during the mid nineties. And since then I have read most of his books.
One that really struck a cord was "The gift of therapy" which I have reread a couple of times since buying it several years ago. In this book Yalom shares some of his wisdom with therapists who are just starting out.
The great thing about this book is that it shows the therapist as a human being with faults and worries of his own. I like how he writes about himself and dares to be vulnerable.
There is always the debate of how much therapists should share with clients. Should they share if there is something going on in their life? Should they tell a client if they have been through something similar as the client is facing right now? That is an ever ongoing debate. As I work with client groups who are going through the same thing I have gone through [being highly sensitive & living with chronic pain] I do share when it comes to those areas. Also because it is relevant to therapy. But there is a fine line between not sharing enough and sharing too much about your private life and one that we always have to keep in mind.
And yet I am an admirer of the kinds of books written by therapist who do share some of their lives with us. Another great favoriet of mine is "The unquiet mind" written by Kay Redfield Jamison in which a psychiatrist openly talks about her own struggle with being manic depressive.
I think that if a therapist is at ease with what has happened in his or her life and worked through it and found balance it can often be a great bonus when this is used in therapy. As long as she is always critical of why she is sharing certain info with clients and to make sure that is has value.
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Thursday, 29 September 2011
I am now in week two of the practice building conference 2011. And it is bringing me so much. Wonderful presentations and networking with other counsellors. One thing is clear, we are all out there to do the best job we can online in helping people and doing that in an ethical way. That is what brought me the most joy during the first week.
That is what stayed with me from one of the talks last week. Enjoying and looking at the bright side of life is not always easy for those in constant pain or those highly sensitive people out there who are always bombarded with new information. And yet it is the essense of life! Look at what works in your life not at what doesn't work. I know this is not always easy an I am not saying that I succeed every day. I will say that it has enriched my life and makes me feel much more content even on the bad days.
The presentation mentioned a very easy and fast excersise to keep you focussed on the joy.
At the end of the day just sit and write down 5 things that you have been grateful for that day. Those can be simple thoughts or much deeper thoughts
That is what stayed with me from one of the talks last week. Enjoying and looking at the bright side of life is not always easy for those in constant pain or those highly sensitive people out there who are always bombarded with new information. And yet it is the essense of life! Look at what works in your life not at what doesn't work. I know this is not always easy an I am not saying that I succeed every day. I will say that it has enriched my life and makes me feel much more content even on the bad days.
This always makes me feel joy |
At the end of the day just sit and write down 5 things that you have been grateful for that day. Those can be simple thoughts or much deeper thoughts
- I am grateful the sun is shining
- I am grateful that I did not lose my temper
- I am grateful that I enjoyed the company of friends today despite the pain
- I am grateful that the train was on time and got me to my destination on time despite the huge crowds
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highly sensitive people,
highly senstive,
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Find your passion
Passion: Why is that so important to us? Feeling passionate about something makes us feel happy and belong to something.
That is of course important to everybody but I would say even more so for people who are highly sensitive and those with pain problems. Let me list just a few of the adavantages of doing something you feel passionate about.
If you don't have hobbies [or gave them up because they became physically impossible/cost too much energy] make a list of things you would enjoy. For now don't look at the practical side just write it down.
After you have made your list, and take your time in doing so, pick out the things that appeal to you most. We will concentrate on those.
You should now have a peace of paper with a few things on it that appeal to you. Somehow you stopped doing them or never tried them in the first place.
This is what I do to make it right for me:
So what is your passion? How did you find it and what is so special about it to you?
That is of course important to everybody but I would say even more so for people who are highly sensitive and those with pain problems. Let me list just a few of the adavantages of doing something you feel passionate about.
- It distracts from every day life
- When you do something you really like you feel less pain
- espcially when done together it is good for social interaction and making new friends
- being active makes you feel better about yourself
- Something to look forward to on bad days
If you don't have hobbies [or gave them up because they became physically impossible/cost too much energy] make a list of things you would enjoy. For now don't look at the practical side just write it down.
After you have made your list, and take your time in doing so, pick out the things that appeal to you most. We will concentrate on those.
You should now have a peace of paper with a few things on it that appeal to you. Somehow you stopped doing them or never tried them in the first place.
- Look and write down what it would take to do them.
- Maybe you have to start slower then you did in the past
- with some addaptions you might be able to do it
- ask for help! You will be amazed how many people are willing to help if you just ask them something that is reasonable
- Inform if organisations have something in place to help the disabled
- etc
This is what I do to make it right for me:
- I make sure that I do not travel on the day of the fair [or if it is close just a small amount of travel]
- If I have to travel under half an hour I will ask friends if we can share a ride as public transport takes a lot of energy
- In case I do get overwhelmed I find a quiet spot to sit for a while and ground myself
- Take plenty of rest breaks sitting down to gather my energy
- Spend the day in good company
- Make sure I eat and drink enough
- Go home when I feel it has been enough

So what is your passion? How did you find it and what is so special about it to you?
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Thursday, 15 September 2011
More on online education
This week I want to talk some more on my favorite topic. Education for counsellors. If you read my post regularly, you will already know how important that is to me. That is the reason I qualified myself as an online counsellor next to my f2f diploma's in counselling and coaching. For those who want to train for online counsellling this course is starting next week.
But being a counsellor means you keep learning, I think curiosity is a great trait to have for a therapist. This week I am attending a counseling conference that takes place in Second Life. [it will be on until saturday so you can still catch some of it. This is the 3rd year the virtual conference for counsellors is being held in Second Life. [if you don't feel secure enough in Second Life onlinevents is streaming it live from their website and you can still participate in the chat!] It is an excellent oppertunity to network, learn more about what is going on in the world of online counselling, new technologies and learning a lot more about virtual worlds and their possibilities. The starting day yesterday already had some very interesting topics. Most interesting yesterday was a discussion by Kate Anthony and DeeAnna Marz Nagel with the director of an upcoming documentary login2life. This documentary focusses on the positive sides of Second Life, how virtual worlds can be a haven a support for people with dissabilities. I can't wait to see the whole documentary!
I want to mention another online conference as well. Normally I do not go for paid conferences , but for this one I am making an exeption. The practice building conference is organised by Casey Truffo. Her book " How to be a wealthy therapist" is like a bible to me. A lot of therapists have problems with charging money for what we do and this book has helped me see that I am worth it! Marketing a practice is strangely enough not a part of most therapy training programs. That is were books and conference like this one come in. You gain so much knowledge and it is also such a great oppertunity to network and get to know other therapists. This alone can lead to business oppertunities somewhere in the future.
But being a counsellor means you keep learning, I think curiosity is a great trait to have for a therapist. This week I am attending a counseling conference that takes place in Second Life. [it will be on until saturday so you can still catch some of it. This is the 3rd year the virtual conference for counsellors is being held in Second Life. [if you don't feel secure enough in Second Life onlinevents is streaming it live from their website and you can still participate in the chat!] It is an excellent oppertunity to network, learn more about what is going on in the world of online counselling, new technologies and learning a lot more about virtual worlds and their possibilities. The starting day yesterday already had some very interesting topics. Most interesting yesterday was a discussion by Kate Anthony and DeeAnna Marz Nagel with the director of an upcoming documentary login2life. This documentary focusses on the positive sides of Second Life, how virtual worlds can be a haven a support for people with dissabilities. I can't wait to see the whole documentary!
I want to mention another online conference as well. Normally I do not go for paid conferences , but for this one I am making an exeption. The practice building conference is organised by Casey Truffo. Her book " How to be a wealthy therapist" is like a bible to me. A lot of therapists have problems with charging money for what we do and this book has helped me see that I am worth it! Marketing a practice is strangely enough not a part of most therapy training programs. That is were books and conference like this one come in. You gain so much knowledge and it is also such a great oppertunity to network and get to know other therapists. This alone can lead to business oppertunities somewhere in the future.
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Thursday, 8 September 2011
Book review :Me and my pain
A little while ago I was looking around a website that sold cheaper e-books. A friend had given me this tip. The website is called smashwords and indeed it has lower priced and even free e-books in many categories and e-book formats. While I was filling in the keywords that interrest me, I came across the following book.
"Me and my pain - the challenges of living with chronic pain" by Abbey Strauss. As it was only 2$ and it seemed pretty interresting I decided to download it and give it a try.
I must say those were 2$ well spend. This book really focusses on one of the challenges of living with pain. And that is the challenge of making people [especially doctors] believe in our pain. With so many of us you don't see on the outside that we are almost always in pain. And medical tests can't find a reason for the pain. How often have you heard "Maybe it is more a mental problem", seen in doctor's eyes that they don't really believe you. In this book is advocated for doctors and patients to be honest to each other and to believe in one another. Pain that is not understood and not acknowledged can drive people to suicide. Patients can feel they have tried anything and nobody understands what is going on.
The sections on addiction are really strong. A lot of pain patients are wronly labeled addicts because they take a lot of painkillers to get through the day. He explains very well that this is not the case. If the pain would go away so would the painkillers.
I found the following section of the book very striking.
"Me and my pain - the challenges of living with chronic pain" by Abbey Strauss. As it was only 2$ and it seemed pretty interresting I decided to download it and give it a try.
I must say those were 2$ well spend. This book really focusses on one of the challenges of living with pain. And that is the challenge of making people [especially doctors] believe in our pain. With so many of us you don't see on the outside that we are almost always in pain. And medical tests can't find a reason for the pain. How often have you heard "Maybe it is more a mental problem", seen in doctor's eyes that they don't really believe you. In this book is advocated for doctors and patients to be honest to each other and to believe in one another. Pain that is not understood and not acknowledged can drive people to suicide. Patients can feel they have tried anything and nobody understands what is going on.
The sections on addiction are really strong. A lot of pain patients are wronly labeled addicts because they take a lot of painkillers to get through the day. He explains very well that this is not the case. If the pain would go away so would the painkillers.
I found the following section of the book very striking.
are the rules a patient must
patients can’t have personality
if they do then the pain is not quite as real.
patients can’t be depressed over their
in life; if they weren’t as depressed, then the pain would
patients can’t be angry at, or want
from, those who wrongly injured them; if they do then
pain is not as quite as real, or it is amplified just so they
get a larger money settlement.
patients can’t have insomnia; the reason
can’t sleep is because they have not learned enough
or haven’t accepted their condition.
patients can’t have anxiety or phobic
requiring certain medications; they aren’t allowed to
more than one curse in life needing treatment.
patients can’t have different or
medication tolerances; if they do not fit within the
dosing ranges, then they are addicts or placebo
patients can’t have more pain than the
allows; if they do then they are manipulative.
patients can’t have good moods; they
to be miserable and complaining all the time.
patients have to always be sick; they
have good days and bad days.
patients can’t have a good day without
thinking the patient is finally learning to live with the
or that the pain is at last vanishing forever.
patients can’t disappoint people by
a bad day after a good day.
patients can’t look good; if they look
then the pain can’t be so disabling or menacing.
patients can’t respond to hope when they
good news; their demeanor cannot improve or change because to
so lessens the believability of the pain’s intensity, constancy,
and presence.
patients can’t be skeptical; they aren’t
to question new or proposed treatment decisions based on
real prior experiences as pain patients.
patient’s can’t have other people steal
medications; being victimized, even one time, by a theft is
quickly considered as an indicator of the patient’s
even for those who are generally very
patients have to be average; if they are
smart then they are too ‘pushy’.
patients can’t be normal like the rest
us; why should they find it easier to deal with pain, or even
smoking cigarettes, than anyone else?
patients can’t believe in alternative
styles; if they do then they cannot be as trusted, or they
be considered as odd or eccentric. Such eclecticism can be
spooky and uncomfortable for many who treat these
patients can’t be diagnostic oddities;
their illness can’t be labeled, then it’s too quickly re-painted
patients can’t be picky; they aren’t
to want other than second string doctors.
patients can’t take up too much of the
time; if they do then they might become too erudite,
or burdensome, and this may frighten the doctor
patients can’t shop, cook and clean; if
do then they are not in that much pain—but, by the way, who
do these chores for them?
patients have to like everyone the
company sends to care for them; if they don’t like
then they are obviously non-cooperative and
patients have to be meek; if they
then they don’t genuinely treasure all the good that others
trying to do for them.
patients can’t know their history better
their records; they aren’t supposed to be upset when wrong or
data and inaccurate conclusions are put into their
patients can’t feel the double bind: “if
tell him the other doctors were wrong then he’ll think I’m too
of a smart ass, but if I don’t tell him how the other doctors
wrong, then we may start with the wrong clinical impression
me, which is why I am here in the first place, to have a doctor
it right....”
patients have to know magic; they are
to take the cash won in a lawsuit, wrap it around the
part of their bodies, and make the pain go away. They are
only people for whom money can buy happiness or cure pain.
patients have to get better; if they
then doctors may not continue to treat them for the parts of
problem that don’t get better.
patients have to ‘learn to get used to
of someone getting used to being poor.
patients can’t answer ‘how are you?’
‘fine’; for to say ‘fine’ is thought to mean that they are
patients can’t choose to sacrifice; if
ever do something one day because of the emotional joy of
it despite the pain penalty payable afterwards, then they
obviously be in that much pain.
patients have to perfect; I guess that
they can’t be human.
I don't think the situation here in Europe when it comes to getting the right medication is as bad as it is in the US. But still I found this very striking.
All in all I thought the book was a bit too long and there was a bit of repetition and the examples of people in trouble about getting the right medication went on and on. But in the end it was a very usefull book. It strongly advocates the rights of pain patients to be believed and to be helped! Every person has the right to the best life they can lead. For me that means pain patients have the right to medication they truly need and help from therapists to help them get the most out of life under difficult circumstances.
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